Lords And Commons And India The House Of Lords' Vote
on the Indian reform pro- posals, on Tuesday, was unexpectedly satisfactory. For his amendment urging the postponement of a decision till the text of the Government's Bill was......
* * Mr. Lloyd George's Reconstruction Scheme . It Would
be premature to offer at present any criticism of the scheme for , national reconstruction which Mr. Lloyd George is to launch upon the world early in the new year. It is......
Recent Decisions Show That The Government Is Now Fully Alive
to the necessity of freeing civil aviation from the dominance of military aviation, and of a more vigorous policy in conjunction with the Dominions for thedevelop- ment of......
Lord Hewart And The Cabinet The House Of Lords' Debate
on Lord Hewart's attack on the Bill for the creation of two new judges and the appointment of a vice-president of the Court of Appeal ended as satisfactorily as it well could......
America's Neutrality Rather Too Much Appears To Have Been...
in some quarters into the semi-official announcement that President Roosevelt is contemplating legislation virtually abandoning America's claim to neutral rights in time of war.......
The Newest Deal The National Resources Board Has Now Put
before President Roosevelt a plan of public works surpassing in daring anything that has hitherto been contemplated, justifying its scheme. on the assumption that the defect of......
* . * - * * The Air, However, Has
been cleared. It has been made perfectly manifest that there was no ground for any strictures on Lord Hanworth ; nor for any on what Lord Hewart referred to impersonally as the......