The Price Of The Loan
Sm,—There is a statement in Mr. Hugh Gaitskell's article " The Price of the Loan " in your issue of December 14th that must have puzzled many economic ignoramuses besides......
Zionists And Palestine Sir,—in Your Issue Of December 7th "
Janus," commenting on the figures revealed by Mr. Hall to the effect that only a little over too British Jews a year had emigrated to Palestine in the years 1922-1944, said: "......
Air Transport And The R.a.f.
Stit,—There is hardly a line of your contributor Nigel Tangye's article on Air Transport and the R.A.F. which does not call for comment. Let us first consider the......
How To Help Europe
Sm,—On every side we hear of the crying need of Europe for food and clothes. Are we so over-organised that the individual response to this cry is stale-mated? There are many in......
Sir,—it Is Regrettable (and Astonishing) That Dr. Cecil...
not have thought of a better and more valid explanation for the smallness of Jewish emigration from Britain to Palestine than the one which he has offered. Thus he enabled "......