21 FEBRUARY 1936, page 32
The Hunting Of The Snark
Snarcis Venatio. By H. D. Watson. (Blackwell. 5s.) Taw pleasant little: book is introdUced by Professor Gilbert Murray in a foreword from which we learn that, mirabile dictu,......
Linguistic Swings And Logical Roundabouts
Language, Truth and Logic. By A. J. Ayer. (Gollancz. Os.) " You call that nonsense, but I've heard nonsense compared with .which that would be as. sensible as a dictionary." The......
Benedict Spinoza
Spinoza. By Sir Frederick Pollock. (Duckworth. 2e.) .. Mona years ago than I care to recall, I lit upon the Ethics of Spinoza. The experience was strange, for though I under-......