Wrong Rothschild
Sir: In everything he writes, Alastair Forbes drops names with such a lavish hand that it is not surprising that some- times one turns out to be not a name but a clanger. `By a......
Exploited Sex
Sir: A propos Jeffrey Bernard's disserta- tion on condoms (Low life, 14 February), I used to have just the one in a public house on the coast of Kent where the landlord......
Disfigured Dales
Sir: C. A. Williams of London SW4 (Letters, 31 January) demands the demoli- tion of the Ribblehead Viaduct on aesthe- tic grounds. Yes, C. A. Williams, demolish it by all means,......
Pitt And Rossini
Sir: All academic pedants, of course, take great pleasure in spotting howlers; so I hope you will allow this (retired) academic pedant to point out two in your issue of 14......
Letters Unequal Citizenship
Sir: What a pity that Stan Gebler Davies's fine gesture of standing as a Conservative and Unionist in the Eire elections cannot be repeated in a part of our own country, viz......
The Spectator
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