21 FEBRUARY 2004, page 26

Dining Out

From Barbara Amiel Black Sir: A final comment for the record re the Eleanor Mills complaint. She writes (Letters, 14 February) that it is 'strange that she [Barbara Black]......

In Praise Of Black

From William Shawcross Sir: I would like to echo Mark Steyn's praise for Conrad Black as owner of the Telegraphs and The Spectator (`The last press baron', 14 February). He has......

How Aircraft Evolve

From Sir Michael Arrnitage Sir: Max Hastings's rant about UK weapons systems (`How to lose the battle for Britain', 7 February) takes too narrow a view of the Eurofighter, aka......

The New Establishment

From Lord Tebbit Sir: Simon Heifer (The death of the Establishment', 7 February) is right to regret the decline of the Establishment which once influenced the conduct of......