21 JANUARY 1905, page 1

General Stiise,e1 Has To Face A Campaign Of Calumny, Or,

if that word prejudges the question too much, of attack. It is asserted that his statement to the Czar as to his effectives is untrue, their number being much more than double......

The Raid, However, Assumes A Certain Importance In View Of

Russia's recent action on this very question of Chinese neutrality. She has addressed a circular to the Powers com- plaining that Japan has violated China's neutrality with......

The Long Debate Of Saturday Was Nfayked By Great Ani-

mation and some disorderly scenes, M. Baudry d'Asson earning the official " censure " by offering M. Combes a copper basin, which it seems is slang in France for a spy ; but the......

The War News Of The Week Is Chiefly Concerned With

a cavalry raid made by part of Kuropatkin's army against Japanese communications. The objective was the town of Newchwang, which is the base of the Japanese river transport, and......

T He Event Of The Week Is The Resignation Of M.

Combes. It was evident after the election by secret ballot of a hostile President of the Chamber that the French Govern- ment needed a vote of confidence, and on Friday week the......


News Of The Week.
