The Lattimore Affair
The chief count in the latest indictment for perjury against Professor Lattimore has again been dismissed by Judge Youngdahl. In May, 1953, the same judge, who was appointed by......
.green Branch
The Kenya Government's action in decreeing a general amnesty both for members of Mau Mau and for those loyal Kikuyu guilty of atrocities in their fight against the terronsts is......
To Uno, Has Expressed Confidence That The Eleven American...
will be freedi-and Mr. Foster Dulles has been at pains to explain that the invasion of Yi Kiang Shan is anything but a casus belli. There must be some justification for all this......
• Costa Rica
The war between Nicaragua-based guerrillas and the demo- cratic Government of Costa Rica has been waged on a tiny scale; but unrest in Central America is a recurrent nightmare......
Little Sister
T HE televising of 1984 produced a lamentable display by the public. People were so mesmerised by Big Brother that it never occurred to them to switch him off. Instead they......