F Ifa Has Tossed Back The Sponsored Ball Which Was...
designed for June’s World Cup: it was too inclined to wobble in flight. Also last week, the ongoing fuss over the size and aerodynamics of the golf ball came to an interim......
Your Problems Solved
Dear Mary Q. I have an aversion to shaking hands. How should I avoid this, without giving offence? My doctor informs me that more germs are passed by hand than by kissing. At my......
Q. Concerning Your Brian Eno Problem (17/24 December)....
Britten/Pears concert at the Wigmore Hall in the 1960s I heard Benjamin Britten respond to the question of what he was working on with the words ‘same notes, different order’.......
Q. Growing Your Own Organic Vegetables Has Become Very...
here in the Vale of Pewsey. The place is awash with city money and many of these new country squires can afford full-time gardeners, which puts those like me who cannot afford......