21 JULY 1961, page 15

The Other Exodus Sirs--sir John Glubb Thinks That...

the past is not getting us anywhere, and that people should stop these exchanges and think of the future. He misses the point. Israel's position in the future will be vitally......

Back—during June, And Our Experience Was Quite Different...

Our cabin . was on 'A' Deck, an outside one on the outward journey, and an inside one on the homeward. Footsteps overhead ceased as soon as we were clear of the dock. and......


Si,—There will be no disagreement with your plea for Britain to 'begin on the urgently needed revision of the entire Persian Gulf relation- ship.' This long-overdue reform is......

Born Under Saturn

S1R,—Having myself read Mr. Priestley's new thriller with much enjoyment, plus admiration for the extra- ordinary verve it shows in a writer of his age and output, 1 was......

Sk—professor Brogan Uses The Ugliest Word About Me Which Can

be employed in contemporary liberal discourse—complacency! This challenge I cannot permit to pass. He agrees with me that Fidelismo endangers Latin America, but he adds: 'What......

Sal,--no Single Institution Betterillustrates The Widen-...

and British standards than the railways. Cyril Ray is right; the Continental Traffic Manager (Eastern Region) is shuffling miser- ably. I travelled to and from Harrogate......

Blind Goddess Sir—the Contention Of Mr. P. R. Mursell (june

23) against the paradox stated in my letter (June 16) deserves attention. If we take as our authority the Oxford English Dictionary we find that the expres- sions 'an act which......