Sir: It Is Pretty Depressing To Realise That We Are
now no longer permitted to make jokes about the Germans. God help us. Ridley is a good man and has sadly been replaced by another Martian. I believe Ridley is accurate about......
Sir: Nicholas Ridley Surely Expresses The Gut Feeling Of...
people in this country about Germany's aims in Europe. It is interesting to note that just 50 years ago, summer 1940, experts of the giant German chemical combine I. G. Farben,......
Letters Ridley's Martyrdom
Sir: I would assume that many opinions will be voiced on the issue of the Rt Hon Nicholas Ridley (`Saying the unsayable about the Germans', 14 July). I certainly would like to......
Sir: Nicholas Ridley Overlooked, Among Other Things, That...
Karl Otto POhl, on the eve of German monetary union, had spelled out the key difference between it and European monetary union — conceived as culminat- ing in a single (not,......
Sir: In The Period Between Hitler's Acces- Sion To Power
(1933) and 1939 the then editor of the Times, Geoffrey Dawson, prevented any adverse criticism of Hitler or German policies appearing in his paper lest they took offence. And he......