The Election Of The Master Of Clare As Vice-chancellor Of
Cam- bridge for a second year follows as a matter of ordinary routine, but it has the advantage, among others, of giving further oppor- tunities for the after-lunch oratory of......
" The Communist Party Will Wage A Determined Struggle To
bring about the reversal of the Government's present foreign policy ' before it is too late '." So The Daily Worker. It has been too late too long. Even before Bournemouth the......
A Spectator's Notebook
A N article by Mr. Christopher Hollis, M.P., in the current issue of the New English Review .on personalities in the present Parliament, contains one interesting and unexpected......
The Labour Party In Parliament Is Suffering From A...
The Party meeting on Wednesday was the scene of shots that may echo round the world. It is over the Map Room in the Commons Library that the controversy rages. In the last......
There Is A Lot To Be Said For Regional Publications.
I mean, not daily or weekly papers devoted to current news, but magazines dealing with local folklore, local history, local arts and the like ; Sussex, I fancy, has for some......
Atomic Facts
T HERE was just room for one more great speech on the horrible possibilities of the atomic bomb and the magnificent prospect of the peaceful use of atomic energy. At the first......
Listening To Mr. John Strachey's Broadcast On The Food...
on Sunday night I caught at one point a singularly familiar echo. I think it was in regard to the despatch of food to starving Europe that Mr. Strachey observed that he was "......