The Middle East
SIR,—You rightly point out in your excellent edi- torial on the Middle East that Britain and America should throw overboard the policy of appeasing Nasser at the expense of......
Sir,—when I Read Mr. Adrian's Remarks About The Food At
Glyndebourne in your June 7 issue I thought he was being rather pessimistic. Last year I remember having an excellent meal in the Mildmay buffet : Scotch salmon and salad,......
Betjem Anism
SIR,—May I add a further word on this subject, as I happen to be in Rome where the noise and amount of traffic seem to me to put London to shame? At the moment, however, 1 have......
Sk—the Letter From The Rev. W. H. Oldaker Really Cannot
be allowed to pass without comment. Cer- tainly one may picnic at Glyndebourne—in the car park. A pleasant enough place, where you need offend no one. I have done it often,......
Letters To The Editor
Gin and Tonic Graham Hutton The Middle East H. Pinner Trouble-Shooting Prof. D. W. Brogan Glyndeboume Food Richard Greet, Dennis L. Bird Betiemanism Herbert van Thal 'The Moon......
Sir,—my Admiration For Taper Is Almost Unlimited, But Mr. Or
Colonel Lipton, MP, is not the 'trouble- shooter' in the Tenby-tapping case. A 'trouble- shooter' is the expert sent in when the policy of all Government departments, 'never......
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