Current Literature.
We have to acknowledge the receipt from the Clarendon Press at Oxford of the Text of the Greek Testament on which the readings adopted by the Revisers of the Authorised Version......
Decoration And Ficrniture Of Town Houses. By Robert W. Edis.
(C. Kegan Paul and Co.)—This book contains the " Cantor Lectures, delivered before the Society of Arts, 1880, amplified and enlarged." It is a noticeable contribution to the......
Pascal's Provincial Letters.*
MANY profound reasons have been given why the study of modern languages does not take the place in education which has been held for nearly five centuries by Latin and Greek.......
Jewish Life In The East. By Sydney Montagu Sarnue% (c.
Began Paul and Co.)—Mr. Samuel gives us a very interesting view, stated with perfect candour, of the condition of his nation in Egypt and in Palestine. Naturally, the chief......
Samuel Pepys, And The World He Lived In. By Harry
B. Wheatley. (Bickers and Son.)—Those who have not time or inclination to grapple with the famous Diary may find a very valuable substitute in this volume, which gives within a......
Voyage Of The Elizabethan Seamen To America. Edited By E.
J. Payne, M.A. (De Is Rue and Co.)—Mr. Payne has hero " selected I and edited, with historical notices," thirteen original narratives from the collection of Haklnyt. The period......
Memoir Of William Mckerrow,,d.d. By His Son, J. M. Mckerrow,
B.A. (Hodder and Stoughton.)—Dr. McKerrow was pre.eminently what used to be called a "political Dissenter," a term which, in days not long past, conveyed to many minds, oven......