Battle In The Aleutian Islands
The war in the Pacific has mainly been a question of the posses- sion or conquest of island bases, and for some time it has been concentrated on the islands north and north-east......
The Home Guard
It was characteristic of Mr. Churchill that the one domestic engagement which he insisted on keeping even when absent in America was a broadcast to the Home Guard on their third......
The Coal Agreement
What threatened to be a serious hitch in the working of the new national conciliation and arbitration machinery for keeping peace in the coal industry occurred in the......
Freedom From Want
The " first United Nations' conference," as President Roosevelt described it in a message to the chairman, opened at Hot Springs, Virginia, last Tuesday. The subject it has to......
Impoverished Clergy
The underpayment of the clergy has long been a problem of deep concern to the Church of England. A report prepared by a Co mission of the Church Assembly shows that more than......
The Difficult Age
The registration during last year of 1,442,361 boys and girl between the ages of 16 and 18 in England and Wales has enable ' the Board of Education to get down to the study of......