21 OCTOBER 1955, page 16
Sir,—veracity Does Not Appear To Be The Strong Suit Either
of your columnist or of your sup' porters. Mr. Colm Brogan writes that he 'remember s a broadcast given by myself on the 'blind spot s shown in literary judgement by men she......
Letters To The Editor
'The Establishment' Sir Robert Boothby, MP, Colm Brogan, Lady Violet Bonham Carter, Harold Sorel; Mary M. Devitt, Hon. David Astor, Henry Newnham, Hugh Trevor-Roper, P. H.......
99 Gower Street, London, W.c.1
Euston 3221......
Sta,—in Last Week's Issue Of The Spectator I Made A
reference to a broadcast talk by Lady Violet Bonham Carter on lapses in literary taste. My recollection of that talk was seriously at fault. In that talk she did not, as I said......