Market Notes
By CUSTOS MRS boom in the gilt-edged market has re- ceived a check after a very considerable rise. War Loan has moved up to 52-& to yield 6.85 per cent, which is an astonishing......
Which Steel Shares?
By JOHN BULL I T is time to look at steel shares again. Only in the past week or so have they emerged from a three-year period of uncertainty as to whether or not the companies......
Danger : Threat To Investment
THE ECOVONY A 'THE 6011 By NICHOLAS DAVENPORT l N the western world every nation is a business and every finance minister a chairman of the board of directors. (I purposely......
Chess By Philidor
No. 305. Specially contributed by R. HANCOCK (Bucks) yawn to play and mate in two moves; solution next week. Solution to No. 304 (Rice) : Kt - R no threat. r .. Kt - Q 6; 2 P -......