21 OCTOBER 1972, page 26

Political Chess

From Miss B. E. Thomas Sir: I am Tory to the backbone — and it is not an inherited allegiance, as my parents were Liberals — but when I and others with similar opinions......

Educational Values

Sir: I suppose one should really be prompted into throes of violent demonstration and attendance at a whole rash of endless committees' folowing an exceptionally stimulating......

Reports On Patients

Sir: There is a simple explanation for the poor flow of information about patients from the hospitals to the general practitioners (John Rowan Wilson, October 16). Before the......

A Grave Tale

Sir: Auberon Waugh in his review of Edna O'Brien's Night (October 7) says he simply does not believe that even in Ireland it is normal to dig a grave at the funeral while......

Treating Crime

Sir: Mr Douglas Curtis tells us that over 90 per cent of prisoners still come from the most deprived section of the working class. Since indictable crimes have more than......