Literary Insight
Sir: I am grateful to Paul Ferris for his appreciative review of my Why Freud Was Wrong: Sin, Science and Psychoanalysis (Books, 14 October), but may I gently chide him for......
The Liberal View
Sir: Piers Benn is right to praise the lucidity of Peter Singer's article (`Killing babies isn't always wrong', 16 September). Nevertheless, there are, it seems to me, two......
A Special Relationship
Sir: As an adoptive mother of two, I was appalled at the last sentence of Charlotte Roe's article on adoption. (`Adoption is never simple', 7 October). Speaking, I am sure, for......
The sins of the Brothers Sir: Kevin Myers's explanation of the sexual habits of Irish priests (Strange habits of Irish priests', 7 October) relies as heavily on what he......
Relative Values
Sir: Fascinating as it was to re-read Iain Macleod's seminal account CA question of loyalty', 14 October) of Lord Home's sur- prise 'inheritance' of the Conservative Party......