Green Realism
From George Monbiot Sir: I realised long ago that we environmentalists cannot win. When we draw attention to the problem, we are told we are doommongers who refuse to accept......
Freedom Vs Equality
From Helen Johns Sir: If David Miliband’s observation that we humans are ‘interdependent’ and co-operate with others to achieve our ends is the ne plus ultra of British......
Who Is The Real Snob?
From H.O. Mounce Sir: According to Charles Moore, it is snobbish to criticise the existence of cheap flights (The Spectator’s Notes, 14 October). For it is these flights,......
Art And The God-feeling
From Denis Vaughan Paul Johnson’s wise demonstration that ‘no great artist leaves God out’ (And another thing, 14 October) opens the way for a widespread acceptance of David......
Encore, M. Lévy!
From John Jolliffe Sir: Congratulations on the splendid article on Bernard-Henri Lévy (‘Anti-Americanism is a form of fascism’, 14 October). Fancy such excellent ideas from a......
Gothic Is Best
From Anthony Jennings Sir: Quinlan Terry (Letters, 30 September) is right to observe that, despite the widespread loss of conviction in the Church, there are pockets of......