The Education Of Girls.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The system of examination which is now being brought forward and urged as so important a part of the education of women, no less than of......
Literature In Primary Schools.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."1 Sin,—Your correspondent " A Lover of Books" has called attention to a want which might easily be remedied. The strictures of the French......
GOD'S WAYS. Got , speaks to hearts of men in many ways : Some the red banner of the rising sun Spread o'er the snow-clad hills, has taught His praise ; Some the sweet silence......
The Agricultural Labourer.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. " ] Sin, —" A Radical Squire " thinks it a strange notion of mine that the labourers' friends are simply asking that certain allow- ances in......
THE laughing children playing on the shore Heed nothing but their sport ; the boundless sky, The ocean that with languid waves doth sigh Or hurls its thunder with a wild uproar,......
Agricultural Labourers.
[TO THE EDITOR, OF THE "SPECTATOR.") owe it to "A Radical Squire" to say that I have read with great interest his letter published in your last number, and that I feel to some......