21 SEPTEMBER 1912, page 2

The Times Correspondent At Lisbon Reports In Last...

an important official communique dealing with the Portu- guese Royalists in Spain. An agreement has now been signed with the Spanish Government providing for the expulsion of......

The Series Of Anti-home Rule Demonstrations In Ulster...

Enniskillen on Wednesday, when Sir Edward Carson addressed an open-air meeting of 30,000 persons. The Government said they must be content to live under a Constitution which had......

We Deal Elsewhere With Mr. Churchill's Latest Manifesto,...

note the significant comment passed on it by the London correspondent of the Liverpool Daily Poet, a staunch Liberal organ. The writer declares that Mr. Churchill's suggestion......

The Ceremony Of Turning The First Sod Of The Trans-

Australian railway, which will connect Port Augusta with Kalgoorlie, and link Western Australia by land with the rest of the Commonwealth, was performed last Saturday at Port......

According To A Reuter Message In The Papers Of Monday

the American Navy Department has announced that the Panama Canal will be opened in the autumn of 1913. The date of opening has become steadily earlier as the excavations have......

The Army Manoeuvres In East Anglia Came To An End

on Wednesday, a day within the limit allowed for them, because the two forces had come into such close contact that only real fighting could have decided the final issue.......

Sir John French . Pointed Out That As It Was Open

to the invaders to deal with the defenders in detail, an important lesson to be drawn from the manoeuvres was the need of the earliest possible concentration of forces. There is......

At The Re-opening Of The Hungarian Chamber On Tuesday The

scenes of last session were matched, and perhaps surpassed. It will be remembered that Count Tisza, the President of the Chamber, had the obstructionist Opposition forcibly......

Serious Rioting Occurred At Belfast On Saturday...

course of a football match, on the Celtic football ground, between the Celtic and the Linfield clubs, the first a Roman Catholic and the second a mainly Protestant organiza-......