Next Week In Westminster *
By CHRISTOPHER HOLLIS M R. WATKINSON : `No one could be quite certain when the Russians were going to attain complete accuracy with their long-range missiles, but for at least......
Escape From South Africa
From MICHAEL.PICARDIE* ID he drink from our cup?' 'Yes, he did. What's the matter?' `Man, how can you let a kaffir drink from our cup?' 'Why not? He has no disease, washes regu-......
Spectator Index
The full alphabetical index of contents and contributors to Volume 203 of the 'Spectator' (July-December, 1959) is now available. Orders and remittance of 5s. per copy should be......
A Knock on the Door From KENNETH MACKENZIE CAPE TOWN I THINK it was one of the Pan-Africanist leaders who first said that for an African South Africa was like an occupied......