Curiosity Value
JON MOULTON of Alchemy plans to revive the dog formerly known as Rover by selling MG sports cars in America. He thinks there is an unsatisfied appetite for them. I refer him to......
The Cost's In Code
A SALVO from Greville Howard, the code warrior and boardroom resistance fighter. `The new code writing industry,' he tells his shareholders at Fortress Holdings, `has proved so......
Sell At Best
THOSE heated swimming-pools in stock- brokers' gardens all along the North Downs are (so its historian, Margaret Reid, said) the most visible legacy of Big Bang. It just goes to......
Golden Oldie
INVESTMENTS from the old economy do not come any older than gold, which can fair- ly claim to be the oldest investment of all. It can also claim to be outperforming the new-......
Paper-rich, Cash-skint
THERE is (or there was) a mil- lionaire who takes his socks home to be washed. Not just out of meanness, either. He is paper-rich but cash-skint. In theory, his business......
City And Suburban
Easy come, easy go if the trend is your friend you can go round the bend CHRISTOPHER FILDES B ertie Wooster's Aunt Dahlia knew how to get her way: 'Good old blackmail. You can't......