22 AUGUST 1891, page 1

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...


Mr. Parnell Made A Clever Speech At Kells, In The

County of Meath, on Sunday, in which he attacked Mr. Morley and Mr. Dillon ; but it was a speech that reminds one of the advice which Lord Westbury (then Mr. Bethell) is said to......

The French Fleet, Headed By Admiral Gervais's Flagship...

on Wednesday. The first English criticism which suggested itself was, that the grey colour of the hulls, though easier to see at night than the English black, is less easy to......

In The Next Place, Mr. Parnell, In His Speech At

Kells on Sunday, said that Mr. Dillon had excused himself for sending the message to the Leinster Hall meeting begging Mr. Parnell not to retire because he thought that Mr.......

News Of The Week.

T HE Times of Tuesday printed in large type an article on "England and the Powers," from "a French correspon- dent." The article points out that the visit of the French fleet to......

This Is Apparently The Epoch Of Demonstrations By Iron-...

During the past week, Montreal has been receiving a squadron of French cruisers with what the descriptive reporters term "indescribable enthusiasm." On Sunday, the Admiral and......