The Immediate Policy Of The Government On The Red Sea,
and its reasons, come out with perfect clearness in Lord Salisbury's speech of Thursday at Scarborough. He does not intend to propose a campaign in the Soudan, or even a further......
Lord Salisbury Has Been Making Speeches At Scarborough...
days, in which some valuable hints may be found. He pointed out, for instance, that it would pay Scarborough much better to endure increased Naval Estimates than to be looted by......
Grave Doubts Have Been Thrown From Many Sides Upon The
story of the capture of Stanley and Emin Pasha. It is asked how it happened that the news of so grave an event did not fly southwards as well as northwards, and why the Mahdi......
* * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In
any case.......
Lord Salisbury Evidently Weighed His Words At...
he was guilty of one imprudence. He hopes, and avows his hope, that there may never be anything to break his affiance with the Liberal Unionists, but he repeated again his......
If We Are Not Mistaken, The Pall Mall A Few
months ago designated Colchester as the best and most trustworthy of political barometers. If so, the omen of Tuesday's election is indeed favourable to the Unionist cause. Lord......
News Of The Week.
T HE attack on the dervishes besieging Suakin has succeeded. General Grenfell has made good soldiers of the black regiments in Egyptian service, and on Thursday at daybreak he......