Children's Sayings.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPROUTORr] SIR,—Your correspondents give us from time to time quaint and wise sayings of children. I have examined elementary schools for many years, in......
[to The Editor Of The " Brectator."] Sin,—your...
Country Rector," has made at least two mistakes in his letter in the Spectator of December 15th. He says, "Twenty clergymen in all (the prefix Rev.' shows so much where other......
[to Thr Editor Op Tel " Speotatorn
In,—May I be allowed to add to the sayings of children in the two last numbers of the Spectator by another, illustrating the faith of a child? I had expressed to my little boy,......
Civil Marriage.
[To TEl EDITOR OP TER "SPECTATOR."] Slia—In your paragraph on the "Hungarian Ecclesiastical Bills," in the Spectator of December 15th, you wrote,—" The legality of civil......