Letters To The Editor.
[Letters of the length of one of our leading paragraphs are often snore read, and therefore more effective, than those which fill treble the space.] -- THE PUBLIC SCHOOL IN......
The " Church Times" And " Unhappy Hereford: " [to
me Enrroa or roe " Ehoscuron."1 Ste,—The nomination of the Dean of Durham to the See of Here- ford is a source of satisfaction to wise and of dissatisfaction to foolish......
[to Run Emma Or The Spectator.")
hope I may be allowed the privilege of a few lines of rejoinder to some of your correspondents. Mr. Arnold Lunn desertion my previous letter as "latently personal and most......
The Harmless Necessary English.
O NE of these days it will happen, we may quite confidently expect: the spirit of Gallic irony will poise a moment over the British Western Front and wing back to Paris gay with......
The Dean Of St. Paul's On Kaiserisal (to Rat Emma
or Stotcrarmi."3 • SIE,—Sweeping paradoxes have their controversial uses, especially when they contain a stinging core of truth. The Dean takes Kaiserism and says that it is (as......