From MICHAEL ADAMS ROME S IGNOR FANFANI'S coalition Government is narly a year old. It embodies the famous ex- periment of the `centro-sinistra,' the alliance be- tween the......
Sylvia Math The News Of A Poet's Death Always Saddens
me much more than that of a distinguished states- man or other 'important' figure. 1 had never met Sylvia Plath and know nothing of her except- her poems and the haunting......
Off With Their Heads
Some people like to persuade themselves that our rules governing capital punishment are as humane as can be, especially when Russian citizens are so regularly shot for......
Spectator's Notebook
T /7" HE post-election manoeuvres between Mr. Wilson and Mr. 3rown have all the tension of a first-class political thriller. On the short view it may look as if Mr. Brown has......
The Dagenham Drag To Do The Minister Of Labour Some
justice, Mr. Hare did seem reluctant to order the official inquiry into the position of the seventeen dis- missed men at Ford's. But there should be no pretence that the......
Scots Wha Hae Mr. Macmillan Has A Masterful Way With
delegations, particularly if they come from Scot- land. He can always cool the militant and bring a glow to the admirer. They emerge from the meeting, their faces wreathed in......
Vale Late Last Thursday Afternoon A Labour Mp (who Happened
to have voted for Mr. Wilson) was very nearly knocked down in a corridor by an acquaintance. 'Where are you going?' he asked. 'Ireland—now the kissing really has to stop.'......
Atque Salve Another Labour Mp Who Has A Personal Regard
for Lord Avon sent him a get-well cable last week in which he also said : 'Come back soon. We may need you as a Labour leader yet.' Lord Avon's reply said that he had every......