Horace Vernet's Picture Of The "capture Of The Malakoff,"...
for the town of Antrim, the native place of General M‘Mahon the divisional officer in command when that brilliant exploit was performed, is quite up to public expectation. A......
The Paris Critics Commend The Restoration Of The Five...
pictures added to the gallery of the Louvre from the collection of Marshal Soult. The two Murillos, "Nativity of the Virgin" and "Miracle of St. Diego," costing 230,000 francs,......
Iiut Arts.
The facile and skilful architectural genius of Mr. Gilbert Scott has been for nearly three years past enriching ' by renovation and addition, the buildings at Exeter College,......
Literary News.
Everybody knows how some commentators have tried to make out that Shakspere was in youth an attorney's clerk; the inferential proof being the use of certain words in a legal......
To An Audience Of About One Hundred, Students Apparently, As
the ma- jority were very young men, Mr. F. P. Cockerell delivered his lecture on the "Painting of the Ancients," at the lecture-room in the Brompton Museum, on Wednesday last.......
The Late Mrs. Wordsworth.
The death of Mrs. Wordsworth, the poet's widow, has snapped the last link that connected the present generation with the "Lake poets," Southey, Coleridge, and Wordsworth, whose......