No. 1816: Dirty Dozen
You are invited to incorporate the follow- ing 12 words or phrases, in any order, into a plausible piece of prose (maximum 150 words): non-stop, nipper, Nirvana, nitty- gritty,......
, PI RE MALT , • SeOTC II WIIISKN Nude mice etc. Jaspistos IN COMPETITION NO. 1813 you were Invited to submit an extract from a book with one of the following titles (all real):......
W.& J. W.& J.
J CROSSWORD GRAHAM'S — ) PORT GRAHAMS PORT A first prize of £25 and a bottle of Graham's Malvedos 1979 Vintage Port for the first correct solution opened on 31 January, with two......
Solution To 1140: Fair's Fair ' A P P J2t . S.lf4
JA.W S r& 111) ji., I E 'M I L A L O a it i II L A., N j;)„. LISELI V EiAIO l l" 'T 9 RIN M 23 0 ig i A ' L I Or6 ISIOIL 3.k U U C 0 ...0 M I I UPI A B E 'A E A 4,....Q., ..i..K......