22 JULY 1922, page 14

Mu Si C.

MUSIC IN THE NATIONAL GALLERY. TEE nation is coming into its own again. It does not yet know this, but the process began on Tuesday at the National Gallery, at three in the......

"loyalties " And Legal Etiquette. [to The Editor Or The

" SPECTATOE."1 SIR, —Sir Malcolm Mcllwraith's letter in your last issue containing a reference to the famous Osborne pearl trial Is interesting, but as nothing is known of the......

" The Illogic Of Stoney Bleatford." (to The Editor Op

THE SPECTATOR.'9 was not aware that the amusing non sequitur to which Mr. Robert Graves refers in his interesting article in your issue of July 15th had appeared in print. I......

Musicians, In The Esoteric Sense Of The Word, Are Inclined

to despise the man who regards music as a stimulus to thought and whose pleasure in music depends upon the ideas and associa- tions it evokes. Yet, for very obvious reasons,......


THE DISSECTING ROOM. HERE death and knowledge dwell: no graveyard gloom Wakes such a bitter, secret shudder of dread As this long, empty room, Stone floored and sunlit, where......

The Editor Cannot Accept Responsibility For Any Article,...

idlers submitted to him, but when stamped and addressed envelopes ere sent he will do his best to return contributions in case of rejection. Poem should be addressed to the......

Notice.—when " Correspondence " Or Articles Are Signed...

writer's name or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked " Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or......

The " Spectator " Charity Organization Society Fund. Ant...

sent to us, great or small, will be acknow- ledged in our oolumns and at once sent on to the C.O.S. Cheques should be made out to " The Spectator " and crossed " Barclay and......