Jesuit Doctrines
Stn,—May I say how much I enjoyed Mr. Palmer's lively and profound article, Living in the Future, before querying a small allusion in it to " the Jesuits of the......
In The Garden Thanks To A Kind Gift I Have
grown a number of that rather strange hybrid, the cross between the carnation and the sweet-william. They are now in full flower. A number of the varieties (in which Allwood......
Tipping At Airports
siR, - 1 see in The Spectator, of Friday, July 8th, there is a comment in the article, Our Visitors, that there is "open cadging for tips" in airports. I would like to point out......
Country Life
JULY opened with the reaping of t wo here and there in the south, where, incidentally, a covey or two of partridges were strong on the wing in the first week of June. Both......
A Ruined Garden
Most of us, including beyond question the poorest villagers, lament the evacuation of the large country house by the " feudal lord," as some urban politicians still say. Such......
SUBSCRIPTION RATES Ordinary edition to any address in the World. 52 weeks Ll 10s. Od. 26 weeks I5s. Oil. Air Mail to any Country in Europe. 52 weeks L2 7s. 6d. 26 weeks LI 3s.......
The Deserted House
The recent vicissitudes of the house are worth the notice of the social historian. For the usual reasons the ancestral owner felt that he must sell house and lands. They were......
SIR,—Mr. W. L. Cuttle, in his defence of " Enosis," implies that because the living Greeks give no value to the rough breathings of initial vowels, modern translitcrary practice......
" Occupation Unaltered "
Snt,—We read with some surprise the remarks by Janus in A Spectator's notebook on the leaflet, Occupation Unaltered, which was sent to you and distributed here and abroad It......
Road Dangers
A motor-driver, very observant of those he meets on the roads, is continually pulling up to avoid young birds, not least young partridges, and on rarer occasions young mammals ;......