Current Literature.
English Men of Letters : Scott ; Burns; Coleridge. (Macmillan and Co.) —This is a reprint of three of Mr. John Morley's "English Men of Letters " in a single volume,—namely,......
The Constitutional Antiquities Of Sparta And Athens.*
Tan first peculiarity of the Attic political system which pre- sents itself to the student, is the excessive multiplication of public offi , ies and officials, which ultimately......
Professor Allen On "religious Progress."* It May Be Said...
not even Mr. Llewelyn Davies, who would usually be reckoned the most prominent among Mr. Maurice's disciples in this country, has entered so thoroughly into the method of the......
Latin And Greek Verse Translations. By W. Baker, D.d. (long-
mans.)--Dr, Baker is the chief of one of the most successful of our great classical schools. He lets us here into one of the secrets of his art, for he shows us that when he has......