MOMMSEN'S HISTORY OF ROME.* ALL who feel an interest in historical studies have for some months looked with anxiety for the long promised translation of Mommsen's work. Those......
Hex MAJESTY'S, it appears, is to be opened this season after all. Mr. Mapleson, whose short but successful season of last year at the Lyceum is said to have brought him into......
The French Press.
[FILCH OUR SPECIAL COB.RESPONDENT.] AMONG the actual papers, three compose the officious press, pro- perly so called—that is to say, the Constitutionnel, the Pattie, and the......
Correspondence Of Leigh Hunt:—(letter To The Editor).
SIB,— As one who was for many years honoured with the friendship of Mr. Leigh Hunt, I request you to allow me to correct certain errors as to matters of fact into which you have......