22 MARCH 1879, page 3

The Catastrophe At Szegedin Appears To Have Been...

waters have not retired, the foundations of the houses have been loosened by the saturation of the marsh, and of 9,700 houses and cottages, only 261 are left standing, a......

The French Republicans Have Introduced A New Educational...

will take away from the mixed juries the right of conferring degrees, and restore that right to the State alone. But further, M. Jules Ferry's Bill is intended to interfere with......

The School Board Of London Appears To Have Got Itself

into con- siderable pecuniary difficulties. The loans from Public Works Loan Commissioners to which it is entitled are only forthcoming after the completion of the school......

Consols Were On Friday 97 To 97+e.


We Observe With Pleasure That Oxford Is No Longer Content

to leave to Cambridge all the efforts that are to be made for the higher education of women. A Ladies' Hall is to be established in Oxford, under the superintendence of Miss......

The Present Canadian Government Seems Bent Upon A Pro-...

policy, and. Mr. Bright put a question on Thursday to Sir Michael Beach, which was intended to elicit whether the British Government would or would not use its authority to......

On St. Patrick's Day The Irish Members Of Parliament Very

naturally made a night of it ; but the peculiar 'feature of the debate was that Mr. Parnell discussed the Army Estimates, with an ability and knowledge which commanded the......

Mr. Cartwright Carried His Committee On Tuesday For A...

of our present wine duties,—somewhat, we sus- pect, to his own surprise. Mr. Bourke's reply to him sounded very unpromising and almost hostile up to its very close, and then......