Stn,—it Has Been Announced, Apparently Officially, That...
National Insurance " wants to be fair and just to every section of the community," and Is therefore prepared to reduce the waiting period for sickness benefit in the case of......
" Russia And Ourselves "
SIR,—Sir Christopher Robinson is probably right in believing that the essential purposes of Soviet Russia are less sinister than those of Hitler, but do such attempts to solve......
'underpaid Doctors
SIR, —Before the general public comes to a judgement on the distrust shown by many medical practitioners of the intentions of the Govern- ment towards them, it would be as well......
The Legacy Of The Reformation
Sin,—In his controversy about " Russia and Ourselves," Mr. M. Philips Price attributes our "legacy of ' humanism' and valuation of personality " to the Reformation. This hardly......
British Power In Egypt
SIR, —The extent and intensity of the desire among Egyptians for the evacuation of British troops can be understood only if we realise that to the young middle-class Egyptian,......