His Finest Hour
Sir: I was greatly chuffed to read the long letter you published in your issue of 8 March from one of my possibly rather rare fans down under, a Mr Peter Sekuless. He quoted a......
Sir: Edward Heath Quite Possibly Adduced Compelling...
himself right and Bruce Anderson wrong but I, and Probably many others, never bothered to read them. We all stopped at that dismal phrase, beloved of the pompous, that the......
Sir: If Peter Sekuless Is Correct In Claiming That Ali
Forbes mixed at a very senior level during the second world war, he clearly sur- passed himself afterwards. Readers of Barbara Skelton's delightful memoirs of life with Cyril......
Brought To Our Attention
Sir: Sir Edward Heath's letter (15 March) defending his conduct over the royal yacht Britannia cannot be allowed to go unchal - lenged. Quite apart from the hilarious pomposity......
Down, Sir!
Sir: I must reluctantly disclaim the knight- hood, undeserved or otherwise, kindly awarded me by The Spectator in editing Michael Russell's letter (15 March), but by no one......