War Of The World
From Mr Geoffrey Regan Sir: As a British historian. I wish to say that in this current crisis I believe France speaks for the world, not Britain or the United States, The threat......
Social Engineering
From Mr Richard Barber Sir: I don't think that Mark Steyn ('Europe is dying, and the Yanks are going home', 15 March) draws the right conclusions from his projection that by......
Upper-class Prats
From Mr Brian Bashani Sir: Peter Oborne's recent piece ('Decline and fall of the Hooray Henry', 8 March) glorifying upper-class bullying shows that there is still a breed of......
Rewriting Slavery
From Prudence Jones Sir: Pace Daniel Kruger (The case for colonialism', 15 March), the beginning of the slave trade did not take place in the British colonies. The slave trade......
Pinter's Poem
From Mr Robin Cairns Sir: I noted the prominent copyright rider to the contribution from Harold Pinter last week (Democracy). Shame about that, as I would otherwise have......