22 MAY 1830, page 7

Private Correspondence From Paris.

Paris, May IS, 1830. ME most important political event that has occurred here for some time, is the dissolution of the Chamber of Deputies; the Royal ordi- nance declaratory of......

The Church: The Rev. Benjamin Hall Kennedy, M.a. Fellow And

Tutor of St. John's College, Cambridge, has been appointed to the Mastership of Harrow School, vacant by the death of the Rev. S. E. Batten. On Friday- last Mr. Florence James......

The Universities.

Oxponn, May 22.—Wednesday last the following degrees were conferred :- Doctor in Dieinity—Rev. Samuel Curlewis Lord, Wittlhant College, grand com- pounder. Bachelor in......

East India Shipping. Satunnav Blonsirsrc.

Arrivetl.—At Gravesend, May 200, Royal Saxon, Petrie, from Bengal. Off Portsmouth, May 20th, Catheritie, Fenn, anal Sir E. Paget, Campbell, from BengaL and Madras. At Cowes, May......

Birtiis, Marriages, And Deaths.

BIRTHS. On the 15th instant, at Ropergate House, Pontefract, Yorkshire, the lady of Fuer, TOFF LEATHAM, Esq., Of a son and heir. On the 14th instant, at East Woodhay Rectory,......

The Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EVEN:NO.—The altered and more encouraging re- ports of the state of the King's health have given an unexpected impetus to affairs here ; andthe Market......