It Was A Great Chance For Mr. Churchill, And Very
cleverly he took it. This time he wisely attempted no frontal attack on the Government, but adopting the attitude of a bewildered private Member finding himself in a difficulty......
Civil Aviation The Debate On The Money Resolution For The
Air Navigation Bill, involving a subsidy of £1,500,000 for • fifteen years, chiefly to Imperial Airways, gave Sir Philip Sassoon the opportunity , to make an excellent defence......
The Army And The Unemployed The Discussions Which Are...
to be taking place between the Service Departments and the Ministry of Labour on the relation between Employment Exchanges and recruiting raise a question of some delicacy. It......
The Labour Opposition Are Finding The Pacifist Activities...
Labour majority on the London County Council not a little embarrassing to them. They had to listen in guilty silence on Tuesday afternoon to a barrage of questions to the......
The Week In Parliament Our Parliamentary Correspondent...
tion of the Government on the second reading of the Coal • Mines Bill must have been all the more exasperating to them because it was so unnecessary. They had been clearly......
Conservatives And Mr. Baldwin The .baldwin-must-go...
as ninny like crusades have before it. The ineptitude of the handling of the Coal Mines Bill on Monday has been laid partly to his charge, and one or two of his statements in......
A Tithe-bill Concession The Government On Tuesday Made A...
concession to critics of its Tithe Bill. In the debate on the second reading of the Bill. Lord Hugh Cecil and Mr. Denman both pointed out the loss and possible suffering which......