The House Of Peel.
JUST before cutting the first sod on the Trent Valley Line, Sir Ro- bert Peel talked of the birthplace and seat of his family. The noble inmate of Stowe, who quarters on the......
The Post-office.
THE vis inertia of official habits, it is generally known, has suc- ceeded in preventing the introduction of Rowland Hill's reforms in their integrity. If we assume, for the......
Conquests And Colonies.
No special revelation is needed to foretell what is about to hap- pen in India. The Nizam's territory is about to be incorporated into the British dominions ; which are,......
Peace And War.
A CORRESPONDENT, belonging to the Society of Friends, re- proaches us with a bellicose inconsistency on account of the paper in our last number on "National Defence." In order......