Injustice To Bevin Boys
Sta,—There is, these days, much public concern over the retention of German prisoners of war in this country, and the undesirability of employing forced labour is usually......
Germany's Export Trade
Sta,—It greatly distresses me to think that every time Sir Stafford Cripps gets into bed he puts his toes through a hole in the sheet. May I suggest that, so as to be repaid for......
First-class Travel
Sta,—The L.M.S. railway, who sold me a first-class ticket from Stockport to London, but failed to provide me with a first-class seat (only 27 such seats were on the train), has......
Germany And Christmas Rations
SIR, —The B.B.C. has released the news that British soldiers in Germany are arranging to give up part of their rations to provide a Christmas treat for German children,......
Teaching Religion
SIR, —Many of those who are interested in education will have found food for thought in Mr. A. Victor Murray's article. There is one point, however, which he seems to ignore,......
The Birth-rate In Canada
SIR, —In his remarks (November 15th) on the fecundity of the French Canadians, Janus says that the example he quotes reaches him " from a perfectly reliable source." No one who......
" Journey Down A Blind Alley "
SIR, —Lady Spears (Miss Mary Borden) has with the greatest courtesy challenged my own accuracy in assailing hers. She cites the Chief of Staff of the 1st Free French Division......
Pamphlet Suppression
Stn,—I am sure that many teachers of current affairs were as delighted as myself when it was announced about a year ago that A.B.C.A. would be continued. Since then the civilian......