The Underdog Factor
The underdog factor Sir: Patrick Marnham, in his Postscript 'Monitored' (15 November) calls for the banning of opinion polls for at least a month before election day on the......
Right To Get It Wrong
Letters IRight to get it wrong hir: H L Mencken liked to boast that he had Wrongly predicted the result of every American election he had written about Icluding the Roosevelt......
Bemuddled Sir: You write (Notebook, 15 November): 'Mr Fitt did not hesitate to blame Northern Ireland's two leading churchmen, the Roman Catholic Cardinal 0 Fiaich and the......
Branching Out
BFianchina out tr: I was surprised to read your comment in ie Notebook (18 October) about British tail Plans to redevelop Windermere sta°n If you had taken the trouble to check......