Letters Black On White
Sir: I am writing to your newspaper to make a very angry protest about a leading article featured in your paper on 8 Novem- ber 1986. Title 'How to stop a plague'. The section......
The Guilty Man
Sir: Mr Elton John has written a number of annoying pop records in his time (as well as one or two very good ones) but 'Part-time Lover' is not one of them. Nicholas Col-......
Doubtful Diet
Sir: Nigella Lawson is quite correct in pointing out that 'the Japanese have the lowest rate of heart disease in the industrial world' (13 September). It is also a fact that......
Before David
Sir: I do not know Digby Anderson's age, or when he first became interested in cooking, but it is not strictly true that serious cooks had to go to Europe to buy their cooking......
Good English League
Sir: It may be of interest to note the following 'Fog Quotients' (Letters, 8 November) of authors, none of whom. sadly, writes for the Spectator: St Paul Prayer Book Gibbon Dr......
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