The Roman Catholic Magistrates Of Castlewellan Have Made...
against Lord Roden and their Protestant colleagues, which is very serious, and cannot be suffered to pass unregarded. It will be recollected that the bloody conflict at Dolly's......
News Of The Week.
Itscitas.Trow of the usual kinds helps to allay the cravings of the Parliamentary instinct during the recess ; Peers and Members dining, speaking, and corresponding, in that......
Roman Affairs Are Still To Be Settled, But Not Settled.
In Paris, M. de Falloux is really ill—and no wonder ; while General Ran- don is not to supersede General Rostolan. The representatives of tie Pope and certain Italian Princes......
The Colonial World Is Still In An Angry State. We
have little news from British America: Canada was for the time more tran- quil; but the Separation party seemed to gain ground, inso- much as to induce some newspaper speculator......