22 SEPTEMBER 1855, page 14


SMITE'S ARAUCANIA NS.. THESE " Notes of a Tour among the Southern Tribes of Chili" have a closer resemblance to genuine travels than most books that have lately appeared. The......

19th September 1865.

Sin—You deserve the thanks of the public for your advice in last week's Spectator, that "Railway managers should concentrate their attention upon their own district." The......

Sunday Labour.

Sin—Overpowered by the assurance with which your correspondent "I. B." advances his charges against me, I have been studiously but vainly endeavouring to find out where my......

The Rumpling - Of Despotism.

1 Adam Street, Adelphi,17th September 1855. Sin—Sebastopol is ours; the robber fortress is no longer the stronghold of the ruffian. The preparations of years for the conquest of......

"litigant Railways."

18th September 1856. Sin—Having been a reader of your journal for the quarter of a century, I have misapprehended its spirit if you will not be glad to be corrected in matters......