The War News Of The Week, Except On The Montenegrin
side, is not encouraging. It is now but too evident that the notion of taking Plevna by assault is abandoned, and that if taken at all, it will be taken by siege. Twenty......
We Learned On Saturday Morning Last That Of The Redoubts
cap- tured before Plevna on Tuesday, September 11, by the Russians, only the great one at Gravitza, on the west front, was retained after the struggle of Wednesday, the 12th.......
On Monday The Schipka Pass Was Again The Scene Of
a fierce struggle between the Russians and the Turks. Fort St. Nicholas was assaulted early in the morning, and according to the Turkish account, was carried and held for a few......
News Of The Week.
T HE French elections are to take place on Sunday, October 14, and accordingly Marshal MacMah on's Manifesto to the French people appeared on Wednesday, and has been circulated......
A Great Many Different Explanations Are Given Of This...
Many hold,—and the Bonapartist papers apparently among them, —that it means a coup d'e'lat in case the elections are not favourable to the Government ; many that it is a mere......
The Meeting Of Prince Bismarck And Count Audraasy At Gastein
has probably produced no immediate result. The time for mediation is not yet, and it is most likely true that both Chancellors have agreed that till either Russians or Turks......