22 SEPTEMBER 1944, page 2

U.n.r.r.a. In Council

The situation in Europe calls for swift decisions and action from U.N.R.R.A. (the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Adminis- tration), whose Council has been meeting this......

London's Damaged Houses

It is none too soon that Lord Woolton has decided to put one man as his " chief of staff " in charge of the urgent business of repair- ing bomb-damaged houses—Sir Malcolm......

Finland's Armistice

The signing of the armistice with Finland by Russian, British and Finnish representatives on Tuesday removes one more of Germany's satellites from the war on terms far more......

Administering Of The Education Act

The new Education Act comes into operation on April 1st, 1945, and much spadework has to be done to provide for the administra- tive machinery. One part of this is the subject......

France And Her Traitors

Among the most difficult and exacting tasks that have to be under- taken by the French Provisional Government is that of punishing traitors and discriminating between guilty......