22 SEPTEMBER 1961, page 16

Sir,—would It Be Naive To Suggest That The Un- Married

mother mentioned in your correspondence of September 1 would spare the midwives of this country a great deal of extra work, and her acquaintances from a dangerous level of......

Sir,—several People Have Written To You On The Pre- Dicament

of the unmarried mother: I feel I may have something to add, being one myself—although I have since married. Brenda Leys, and not the other people and organ- isations she......

Jam Tomorrow

SIR, — Mr. Creighton, in 'Jam Tomorrow,' was a little hard in criticising Mr. A. E. P. Robinson's article written in defence of the Federation of the Rhodesias and Nyasaland. It......

English Pubs Sut,—proper Draught Beer, As Mr. Joe Lyde...

out, is indeed flat. It is also, in nine pubs out of ten, undrinkable, for it needs careful attention if it is to be served in the condition intended by the brewer, and this......

Sir,—as A Consulting Pmdiatrician With Charge Of Newborn...

would say that Mrs. Brenda Ley's description of the way in which an unmarried mother was treated by hospital staff gives a picture which is not exceptional—though this......

Arrests In Spain Sir, — I Should Like To Bring To Your

notice a matter which will, I am sure, rouse the concern of your readers. Forty young Basque men were imprisoned in Spain in July and August of this year, charged with activi-......