22 SEPTEMBER 1984, page 19

Switch For Volcker?

H igh on the unofficial agenda, this year, will be the future of 'Tom' Clausen, president of the World Bank. It seems to be limited. Talk will be turning to his successor, and......

Liquidity Crisis

he other year, the dele g ation from an 1 African country famous for its bleed- in g heart was seen flyin g to Washin g ton, occupyin g every first-class seat on the aircraft.......

City And

Fun at the Fund T he scene is that crossroads of the East, the Mandarin, in Hon g Kon g . Into the Captain's Bar, unease swirls like a drau g ht. Down the road the......

One For Our Side

F lyin g out this week with the British team went Sir William Ryrie, head of the Overseas Development Administration — in effect, the aid ministry under the wing of the Foreign......

Poorer Than Thou

T wo of Tom Clausen's favoured plans will be on the table this weekend. The first is the insurance scheme to encoura g e the flow of investment to needy countries by offerin g......